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Beaut Commute

Oh I love the meaty stuff as well I have to say. What stuff Nigel does with lamb, Mary likes. Love the title as well. The book is about his garden so it has tips on how to grow things as well as recipes.


Yay, another Nige-o-phile. I slaver like an unrepentant carnivore over his meatier recipes, but I really must get my hands on a copy of Tender (and I love the pun in the title - have you seen pics of his lovely kitchen garden?).

Beaut Commute

Helen! I am envious of your life! A metal shop and pies! Heaven to a Kiwi is a shed to tinker in and a pie in the oven. Welcome comrade, we hope to see you often!


Mary, I loved how you wrote this blog. I KWYM with Nigel Slater. I love his work, too. Mmmm.. your aubergine dish sounds so yummy. I've recently used fennel seeds; so fragrant and tasty.
Happy transitions,

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